am a kid...

Use gem 'meta-tags' in Rails app to improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

MetaTags: a gem to make your Rails application SEO-friendly First, add meta-tags to your Gemfile gem 'meta-tags' And run bundle install Then, add this code to your layout (application.html.erb) ...

My VSCode Extensions for Ruby on Rails development

Here are the list of VS Code extensions I’m using for my Ruby on Rails works. 1. Ruby Syntax highlighting for Ruby 2. Ruby on Rails 3. VSCode Ruby 4. Simple Ruby ERB 5. Endwise 6. ...

Using Action Text in Rails 6

In order to have Action Text in your application you have to follow a few steps. We need to install Active Storage and then Action Text. Install Action Text # Terminal: Development rails action_te...

Set page titles and meta tags in Rails views

Title and Meta tags are types of HTML tags that provide search engines with information about a webpage (metadata). It is not displayed on the page itself. Search engines use this metadata to under...

Deploying a Rails App on Amazon EC2 with Capistrano, Nginx, and Puma

In this tutorial, the stack I’ll be using is: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Ruby, version 3.0.2 Rails, version Rbenv PostgresQL Nginx Puma, version 4.3.9 Capistrano NodeJS Github ...